Mission Statement:
The recognition of the value of education and the acceptance of the universal right to education have steered the world ahead on
the road to betterment and unimaginable advancement. It is an undeniable fact that as education becomes more widely accessible
to the generality of humankind, the ails of society become far less painful and much more readily curable.
Unfortunately, however, even against the present-day global perception for equality, there are those who struggle to find their
way to educational achievement. This is particularly true in those nations, where people are persecuted for their religious
beliefs or political views.
Prompted by a genuine longing to make post-secondary education available to those who remain deprived of it for reasons beyond their own control,
such as the inability to secure financial aid or being victims of persecution, Borani Global Education wishes to open new portals to
educational pursuits by bringing accredited online solutions to qualified applicants everywhere.
We believe that education is a universal right and not a privilege, and our mission is to strive to make this a reality even
in nations where many still remain deprived of this basic right.
Neda Moeini
Founding President – Borani Global Education