Academic Support
"It is very important that all students have access to higher education in order to realize their dreams and their potential. We must all work to overcome the cultural, financial and religious barriers, as well as the outright discrimination that too often prevents this access."
Jane Gaskell
Dean, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto
"Edmund Burke famously remarked that "All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." It is only through education that good people can be empowered to act in the face of evil, and education is, beyond imparting theoretical knowledge, awakening the emotional and spiritual capacities that create the will to translate lofty ideals into reality. With this approach, Borani Global Education is making valuable contributions to the cause of human betterment."
Professor Payam Akhavan
Faculty of Law
McGill University
"That education is the ladder out of poverty and oppression is no secret. We know that abject need and political repression have deprived countless millions of young people of their natural birthright to an education virtually condemning them to lives of poverty, want and social unrest. Until recently, it would have been impossible to imagine ways to shorten the long and bitter road out of the vicious cycle of poverty and oppression which more than half of the world's children face. Now, a marvelous confluence of technological resources makes possible what would have been unimaginable only a few short years ago. Borani Global Education is an outstanding example of ingenuity and heart offering access to education that would otherwise be utterly cut off from young minds eager to add their contributions to the world. The flow of history favors those who work with the spirit of the age. This is a global age. The great gift of Borani Global Education and the assurance of its success lie in the heartful global vision that motivates its inspiring work."
John Woodall, MD
Harvard Medical School
"Education for all is a most worthy goal and one that will further our ever advancing civilization. It is also the mission of Borani Global Education. I am proud to support Borani Global Education as it is selflessly working toward the accomplishment of this most worthy objective."
Mark H. Rossman, Ed.D
Professor Emeritus
"I commend Borani Global Education for providing this much-needed venue for delivery of liberal education to diverse groups of students -- who for various reasons have been denied access to university education -- in order to advance their life chances. This initiative must be supported and expanded."
Dr. Haideh Moghissi
Professor and Associate Dean External Relations
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies
York University, Toronto